Upcoming Accelerate Events
Boyle Enterprise Centre
Quarry Lane, Boyle
County Roscommon
TEL: 071 967 3100
April 29th 2014 | Green Customer of the Future
Would you like to know more about the green customer of the future? An ethical, green and committed to cause customer... Learn all about this enlightened customer of the present and the growing market share of the future. Understand more about this market segment and trends, including how to attract this customer and examine future growth.
Participants will become familiar with regular sources of research in the market place on a wide range of products and services, as well as having an understanding of how to carry out their own research and test their ideas. Time: 10 - 1 (places limited).
FREE upcoming schedule of events for the Green Accelerate programme in Boyle Enterprise Centre.
Boyle Enterprise Centre
Quarry Lane, Boyle
County Roscommon
TEL: 071 967 3100
Upcoming Accelerate Events
May 20th 2014 | Natural Resources Workshop
Do you have a natural resource you don’t know how to develop some land, a river or forest, bog? Are there old buildings in your ownership or the community that could be developed?
Could you develop a product or service from bush craft, foraging, or green craft? In this workshop we examine a full range of opportunities from a forest preschool for children, to social farming, ecotourism, including glamping and luxury eco holidays and eco / natural learning events. The workshop also looks at designations and special areas of conservation, as well as the potential educational markets from preschools to universities in areas of art, ecology, archaeology and field schools to wildlife, geology and Botany. The Natural Resources workshop will show you where to start, examining what is successful in Ireland and internationally. Time: 10 1 (places limited).